See what we did there? in a world where every brand is fighting for your attention both online and offline.
It takes something a little different to stand out.
And that's what we do here!
(plus watch cat videos, we watch a LOT of cat videos)
We specialise in social media management & content solutions for small to medium sized brands.
This doesn't mean we cant't mix it with the big boys.
But we are more of a Volvo than a Rolls Royce.
We bring affordable solutions which are often out of reach for a lot of companies & brands.
It's a bit like when your Tinder date doesn't match the profile picture. It's leaves a certain sense of disappointment.
We believe you deserve more respect than that, so we don't try to be something we are not (like an Instagram model).
So honesty and (and occasional bad jokes) are at the heart of every partnerships we have.
The apple worked well for Steve Jobs but not so well for Sleeping Beauty.
What works for one, might not work for another. We understand the differences.
Every company has an employee who is able to post a picture on a facebook page. So just having an online presence isn't enough anymore, everyone is at it.
But agencies are expensive! Our mission here is to bridge that gap.
Sure it isn't free, but we provide a level of marketing most companies just can't attain.
We are like super heroes...... but not like proper super heroes who save the world and stuff, more sort of pizza delivery boy when your hungry type of hero.
Our message as you will have noticed is slightly tongue in cheek. This is because it is aligned with what we are as a brand.
While everyone will positions themselves to give you the hard sell. We aren't that type of company.
Finding the correct genuine message for your brand is essential & that's what we help you do
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