Price is important, and we know if you got this far, this is the page you will pay most attention to! So like everything we will try to keep it brief
Without understanding your business and brand it is hard for us to give you an exact price. As a brand which requires 7 posts a week across multiple platforms with be different from a local business who is looking for 2 posts.
But we absolutely HATE it when you can't get a price, as you are left wondering if it is within your reach or not.
But although we can not give an exact price we can give you an indication of what you might be looking at.
We price on hours we think it will take us each week to meet your demands and generate a price from that.
Some brands are currently paying £45 per week (£180 on a 4-week cycle) for full content & social media management. But for context our highest client is currently paying £190 per week (£760 on a 4-week cycle) .
So this gives you an idea of what you might pay. It will of course vary greatly from brand to brand, but at the very least you go away from here with a ball park figure.
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